Thursday, April 9, 2020

A LETTER TO A GREEN LEAF - by Gopikrishnan Kottoor - India


by  Gopikrishnan Kottoor  -  India


Dear Leaf,

Up in the tree, what were you waving at ?
Of course you were hiding birds, you let
The red ant stumble upon you with his prized dead bee.
And you held the breeze twirling
in your lifeline, and blushed in the evening rain.
All that you did well. You took a longing look
Wondering if the sun
Would keep loving you until the end of time. I know you
Did that, you had your problems and doubts
If love would after all be true until then.
And so today when I walked beneath you,
I did not  care that
you had turned red so soon.
And that you were waiting, waiting for me
To come by.  There is
no disgrace dear,
Losing to the sun, the wind and rain,
the last raiment of your breath
We all do, we always do. Like you thought
If you broke away from the tree
You could fly away.
A new life breathless in the long arms of the river
and that there would be love again there.
Or upon the stone,
and its hard caress . But then like the others,
love simmered in the distance,
and as you leaned out to touch,
you fell.