Friday, March 27, 2020

PRAY IT THROUGH - by Eldred Herbert


by  Eldred Herbert

Do you have a problem that is very hard to bear?
Do not wrestle with it; take it to the Lord in prayer.
He will guide you and results will always be correct,
So talk it over with the Lord, He will not neglect.

Do you a have a burden that your friends don't know about?
Is it something you would rather they would not find out?
Go to Jesus at this moment, kneel to Him in prayer,
You will find He is ever present, waiting for you there.

Bare your heart of evil doings, He will hear you through,
He is willing to forgive you, and forget it, too;
And when you find your burdens are much too great to bear,
They will grow much lighter when you go to Him in prayer.

Prayer will change a heartache into a cheerful song,
If in faith you ask it, the answer will soon come 'long
Always take your burdens to the foot of Calvary's cross,
Christ is there to save you, and you will not suffer loss.