Saturday, October 17, 2020

FOR THE LOVE OF MOTHER - by Justine King




by  Justine King 

When I was a child,
My mommy could do anything.
Scare away monsters,
Make bubbles in the bath,
Kiss away the hurt from a booboo.

Sometimes she was too busy to play,
But that was ok.
Games weren't really her thing anyway.

When I was a preteen,
My mom could do a lot of things.
Paint my nails,
Braid my hair,
Teach me about makeup.

Sometimes she got frustrated with me,
But that was ok.
I was pretty pokey.

When I was a teenager,
My mother couldn't do anything right!
Bail me out of trouble,
Buy me cool enough clothes,
Let me stay out late.

Sometimes she tried to control me,
And I hated it!
She couldn't mind her own business.

Now that I'm an adult,
I realize that my mother is human.
She paid bills,
Raised children,
And always got supper on the table.

Sometimes she messed up,
But that was ok.
She did her best, and
always, always loved us.