Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I LOVE A CUP OF COFFEE - by Jennifer Bates


by  Jennifer  Bates

I love a cup of coffee I like a brew or two
A mocha or a latte either one will do

I love a cup of coffee a cappuccino hits the spot
Sprinkle it with chocolate and serve it piping hot

I love a cup of coffee a short black or a long
Just push that little button and make it nice and strong

I love a cup of coffee espresso or flat white
And don’t add any sugar as the taste is always right

I love a cup of coffee a macchiato is just fine
I’d rather have a coffee than have a glass of wine

I love that little coffee bean dark or mild or light
No matter what the time of day morning noon or night

So if I haven’t made it clear I’ll say it one more time
I love a cup of coffee …. is it your shout or is it mine?