Monday, September 23, 2019

ONCE UPON A TIME - by Delia Kards


by   Delia Kards

In the distance I can hear a single chyme;
I reach out toward the implacable future,
Yet beyond my grasp shifts the sands of time.

Fate will change on the turn of a dime;
I’ve always thought my intentions pure;
In the distance I can hear a calling chyme.

To find you was my long life pine,
But now I see you never were my cure,
As beyond my grasp shifts the sands of time.

I stole your sleek soul, was it such a crime?
I’ve always followed that allusive lure;
For in the distance I can hear a calling chyme;

When I catch you, you’ll be everything sublime;
My desire for you is what leaves me sure;
Even if beyond my grasp shifts the sands of time.

Life comes at us without rhythm or rhyme;
It’s time for you to no longer demure;
For in the distance I can hear the single chyme;
Not beyond my grasp shifts the sands of time.