Sunday, August 30, 2020

LAST DAYS OF SUMER - by Ellen Ni Bheachain




by Ellen Ni Bheachain

 Whatever the way the Summer days end,
In the type of Summer is how it has been,
Whether a good one or bad one,
The last days of Summer,
Can be sad or happy endings,
As each season ends,

The Summer could have been,
Miserable yet,
Sun scorching for some every day,
And sunlight shining on all our faces,
It is how it is,
Out there where all is seen,
Summer days of fun,
Summer days of love,
Summer days of seeing,
Summer days of been,
Summer days sunshine in our hearts,
And out and about where Summertime is,

And when Summer came and went?
With a mundane feeling that it left?
Was the last days of Summer,
With another season beginning,
The fall or Autumn as we know it,
Where the ending of one season shows,
By the decaying of it,
When Autumn Fall begins,

Where we all wrap up,
And feel snuggled in warm sweaters,
Stopping in cafes for warm drinks and meetups,
Musing over the Summer days,
Recapping of Summer memories,
Swapping stories as we sip our drinks,

As fall becomes full Autumn,
Warm hats and gloves,
With rustling leaves beneath our feet,
As we walk through the park,
And see,
The Summer leaves turn,
To autumn shades,
Of golden yellow and bronze,
Taking in,
The last days of Summer,

And remember in the falls of Autumn's,
Are the signs of Summer,
That has ended,
And mingling with all that falls,
From the Summer ending,
To autumn beginnings,
Is the decaying of Summer,
Gong till next year,
Until it will begin again,

In between,
Until again,
Summer appears with all in bloom again.