Portrait of Empress Catherine II

brothers Gustav III

Portrait of Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte

Esquire, John Jennings, his brother and sister

Portrait of a lady in a straw hat

Portrait of King Christian VII of Denmark, in coronation robes, holding a crown and scepter

Portrait of a Marguerite Francoise de Sevigne Countess of Grignan

Portrait of the Duke Louis Philippe d'Orleans

Portrait of Katarzyna Zamoyska

Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, Duke of Orleans, welcoming his army on the battlefield

Carl von Linne - Swedish scientist (botanist, zoologist, mineralogist) and medic

Portrait of a lady

Charles Antonio de la Roche-Emon, Archbishop of Reims (France)

Portrait of artist Anna Valayer-Coster

Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgoruky-Krymsky - one of the largest Russian generals XVIII century. With thirteen years, until his death, Dolgoruky was in military service. In 1762, on the day of the coronation of Catherine II, the prince was promoted to commander in chief, and was awarded the Order of St. Andrew. His talent commander manifested most clearly in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, when he was two weeks in several battles defeated the Tatar army, and compelled the Crimean Khan Selim Giray flee to Constantinople. During this operation the Prince was awarded the Order of St. George I degree and received the title of Crimea. During the celebrations of the conclusion of Kuchuk-Kainarji, he was awarded the diamond marks the Order of St. Andrew and the sword with

Empress Maria Feodorovna - the wife of Emperor Paul I

Empress Maria Fedorovna

Portrait of Ivan Betsky in his dressing gown

Empress Maria Feodorovna - the wife of Emperor Paul I

Ivan Betskoy, a prominent figure in the Russian Enlightenment, the personal secretary of the Empress Catherine II, President of the Imperial Academy of Arts, the initiator of the Smolny Institute and Orphanage

Portrait of Empress Catherine II

Count Zakhar Chernyshev, Russian Field Marshal of the genus Chernyshev, famous for successful actions during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763)

Countess Chernysheva Catherine Andreyevna, née Countess Ushakov - a maid of honor of the Empress Anna Ivanovna. Her husband - Count PG Chernyshev - Russian envoy in Denmark, Prussia, England and France. Together with her husband and two daughters EA Chernysheva long lived abroad. After the death of her husband she moved to St. Petersburg, where "held an open house and still took a lot of foreign diplomats, but was rarely in the society and almost never show up at the court"