French artist Marie-Suzanne Giroux, the wife of the Swedish painter Alexander Roslin, that she displayed her husband's famous portrait of "veiled lady"

Alexander Roslin 15 July 1718 – 5 July 1793 - was a Swedish portrait painter who worked in Scania, Bayreuth, Paris, Italy, Warsaw and St. Petersburg, primarily for members of aristocratic families. He combined insightful psychological portrayal with a skillful representation of fabrics and jewels. In his choice of style and lustrous, shimmering colors Alexander Roslin exemplifies Rococo. He lived in France from 1752 until 1793, a period that spanned most of his career. Rococo artists opted for a more jocular, elegant and ornate style, characterized by lightness, elegance and graceful approach to art and architecture. The painting by Roslin depicting Jeanne Sophie de Vignerot du Plessis, Countess of Egmont Pignatelli, was bought by the Minneapolis Institute of Art in 2006 for US$3 million
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Female portrait

Count, later Prince Andrey Razumovsky - Russian diplomat of the genus Razumovsky, the envoy in Vienna in 1797-99, 1801-07 years, the builder of the Viennese palace Razumovsky.. Also known as a patron of the arts, which Beethoven dedicated to "Russian Quartets"

Portrait of Baroness de Neubourg-Cromière

Prince Alexander Kurakin - Russian diplomat of sorts Kurakins, Vice-Chancellor (1796), a member of the State Council (1810), Senator, Chancellor of Russian orders (1802), privy councilor of the 1st class (1807). The creator and owner of the estate Nadezhdino Kurakina cottages to the east of St. Petersburg. For the "skillful representation 'and addicted to jewelry nicknamed" diamond prince "

Zoe Ghica, daughter of Moldovan Ruler Gregory III geeks. Zoe's father was killed by agents of the Ottoman Empire for the fact that he prevented the annexation of Bukovina by Austria. Then Zoe Ghica was forced to live at the court of the Russian Empress Catherine II. The descendants of Princess Zoe lived in Russia, her great-grandson of FF Sumarokov-Elston to September 1915 he served as supreme commander of the Moscow

Prince Vladimir Borisovich Golitsyn - diplomat and a military representative of the Moscow branch princely family Golitsyn

Princess Princesse Moustache, nee Chernysheva - maid of honor "at the court of the Four Emperors"; State Queen and Dame of the Order of St. Catherine (1801 - 2nd degree, in 1826 - 1st degree) was. The prototype of the heroine novel Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades." As the maid of honor, in 1766 Natalia Petrovna was married to a very beautiful 35-year-old Prince Vladimir Borisovich Golitsyn, a retired brigadier, a man with a large, but upset state.

Self-portrait with his wife Marie-Suzanne Giroux

French artist Marie-Suzanne Giroux, the wife of the Swedish painter Alexander Roslin

Dauphin Louis, son of Louis XV, King of France

Natalya Alekseevna, nee Princess Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt, the Grand Duchess (1773), the daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IX and Caroline Tsveybryuken-Birkenfeldskoy, the first Grand Duke spouse Paul Petrovich (later Emperor Paul I of), died in childbirth, producing stillborn Grand Duke

Grand Duchess Natalia Alekseevna, the first wife of Tsarevich Paul Petrovich, the future Emperor Paul I, the All-Russia

The Countess Egmont Pignatelli

Portrait of Countess Anne d'Escherny

Maria Feodorovna, before conversion to Orthodoxy - Sofia Maria Dorothea Louise August Württemberg - a princess of Württemberg home, the second wife of Emperor Paul I. The mother of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I. It was at the origin of the Imperial Philanthropic Society, Institute of obstetrics, the Order of St. Catherine School, and a number of other philanthropic institutions.

Portrait of Count Johann von Fries

Portrait of the Marquise Emilie de Coutances

Ulrik Scheffer

Empress Maria Feodorovna - the wife of Emperor Paul I

King Gustav III of Sweden

Portrait of Archduchess Maria Christina