1. Do not forget to throw garbage ...
out of a bucket ... out of your head ...
out of life!
2. When your affairs go badly -
just do not go with them.
3. The best teacher in life is experience.
It takes, however, expensively,
but explains intelligibly.
4. If the error can be corrected, then you
have not made a mistake.
5. Thanks to those people who entered
my life and made it beautiful. And yet,
thanks to those people who came out of it
\and made it even better.
6. There will always be someone who
does not like what you do. This is
normal. Everyone likes kittens in a row.
7. If someone swears at you, gets angry
or offended - crush him with
your positive.
8. You must arrange your life until life
begins to suit you.
9. I do not want to upset you,
but I'm fine!
10. I do not step on a rake.
I already dance on them!
11. The recipe for youth: rejoice at every
little thing and don’t be nervous
about every bastard.
12. The best day is today!